· Topic of the competition will be “The unfinished work – from Turandot to other stories”.
· Theme concerns incompleteness or the unfinished. Works of all kinds (paintings, sculptures, handworks, buildings, and so on) have remained unfinished for several reasons: premature death of the artist, voluntary abandonment or artistic choice. And precisely the “unfinished” in these cases expresses a suspended beauty, the charm of mystery, the flight of imagination that leads to imagining the unthinkable and opens a range of infinite possibilities. Incompleteness subtracts from the border, abolishes limits. Rather than “unfinished” works, we should therefore talk about “infinite” works: Giacomo Puccini’s opera Turandot is one of these; in fact, he died prematurely in 1924 and was unable to finish the drafting, which was subsequently completed by his student Franco Alfano. On the centenary of Puccini’s death, we therefore want to pay homage to the Maestro and Turandot with its Asian charm and references to the Art Nouveau style of the first poster, but also the idea of incompleteness, which allows participants to continue a creative path open to a thousand possibilities. The theme therefore leaves free space for everything that these words, or even just one of them, recall in the sensitivity of the performer and does not necessarily have to concern the music or the opera cited.
Click the following link to learn more about the history of the maestro and Turandot → Click here
· Click on the following link for ideas relating to unfinished works, as support and/or inspiration in order to create the themed lace → Click here
· Participation is open to every lace makers, with the exception of members of the “Il Merletto della città di Piero della Francesca” Association of Sansepolcro;
· Participation takes place by sending the membership form at the end of this page, filled in with legible characters in each field. The forms must be received by 30 March 2024, which is the deadline for registration, by post to “Galleria Aggiunti” – via Niccolò Aggiunti, 1/A – 52037 Sansepolcro (AR), or by email to: ilmerlettodisansepolcro@gmail.com;
· Participation fee is €30.00 for each entry in the competition, to be paid by bank transfer to the following IBAN: IT69T0306971617120000000424
· The competition is open only to unpublished and hand-made works;
· The deadline for delivery of the work is April 30th, 2024. Manufacts must arrive by this date at the “Galleria Aggiunti,” via Niccolò Aggiunti, – 52037 Sansepolcro, 1/A – (AR) from Tuesday to Saturday. For those sending from abroad, we ask you to include in the package the words “work intended for a competition, without commercial value”;
· The allowed execution techniques are Bobbin Lace, Needle Lace, Aemilia Ars, Macramé, Puncetto, Mòdano, Filet, Irish Lace, Orvieto Lace, Crochet;
· The work can have any shape and size;
· Each performer may send only one handwork using preferred yarns, colours, fibers (such as linen, jute or silk, or others.), metals or materials for the creation, excepting glass and crystal;
· Evaluating Commission will adopt the following criteria: precision and skill of execution, originality, adherence to the theme of the competition;
· Judgment of the commission will be unquestionable;
· Awards ceremony will take place on June 2nd at 4.30 pm at Palazzo Pretorio together with the delivery of the certificate of participation which will be given to every participants.
· The prize for the 1st place will be a gold plated 24 carat bobbin, for the 2nd place will be a silver-plated bobbin, and a bronze bobbin for the 3rd place;
· The competing works will be exhibited at Palazzo Pretorio during the days of the event;
· At the end of the event, after the awards ceremony, the works will be returned to the hands of their legitimate owners. If they will not be present, within 30 days the works will be returned to the address specified in the registration form, shipment fees paid by our Association;
· Participants will relieve the organizers of any responsibility for any damage to the works.
· Failure to comply with this regulation will be grounds for exclusion;
· For any information or clarification relating to this competition, please contact : +39 3290842045.
· Topic of the competition will be “The unfinished work – from Turandot to other stories”.
· Theme concerns incompleteness or the unfinished. Works of all kinds (paintings, sculptures, handworks, buildings, and so on) have remained unfinished for several reasons: premature death of the artist, voluntary abandonment or artistic choice. And precisely the “unfinished” in these cases expresses a suspended beauty, the charm of mystery, the flight of imagination that leads to imagining the unthinkable and opens a range of infinite possibilities. Incompleteness subtracts from the border, abolishes limits. Rather than “unfinished” works, we should therefore talk about “infinite” works: Giacomo Puccini’s opera Turandot is one of these; in fact, he died prematurely in 1924 and was unable to finish the drafting, which was subsequently completed by his student Franco Alfano. On the centenary of Puccini’s death, we therefore want to pay homage to the Maestro and Turandot with its Asian charm and references to the Art Nouveau style of the first poster, but also the idea of incompleteness, which allows participants to continue a creative path open to a thousand possibilities. The theme therefore leaves free space for everything that these words, or even just one of them, recall in the sensitivity of the performer and does not necessarily have to concern the music or the opera cited.
Click the following link to learn more about the history of the maestro and Turandot → Click here
· Click on the following link for ideas relating to unfinished works, as support and/or inspiration in order to create the themed lace → Click here
· Participation is open to every lace makers, with the exception of members of the “Il Merletto della città di Piero della Francesca” Association of Sansepolcro;
· Participation takes place by sending the membership form at the end of this page, filled in with legible characters in each field. The forms must be received by 30 March 2024, which is the deadline for registration, by post to “Galleria Aggiunti” – via Niccolò Aggiunti, 1/A – 52037 Sansepolcro (AR), or by email to: ilmerlettodisansepolcro@gmail.com;
· Participation fee is €30.00 for each entry in the competition, to be paid by bank transfer to the following IBAN: IT69T0306971617120000000424
· The competition is open only to unpublished and hand-made works;
· The deadline for delivery of the work is April 30th, 2024. Manufacts must arrive by this date at the “Galleria Aggiunti,” via Niccolò Aggiunti, – 52037 Sansepolcro, 1/A – (AR) from Tuesday to Saturday. For those sending from abroad, we ask you to include in the package the words “work intended for a competition, without commercial value”;
· The allowed execution techniques are Bobbin Lace, Needle Lace, Aemilia Ars, Macramé, Puncetto, Mòdano, Filet, Irish Lace, Orvieto Lace, Crochet;
· The work can have any shape and size;
· Each performer may send only one handwork using preferred yarns, colours, fibers (such as linen, jute or silk, or others.), metals or materials for the creation, excepting glass and crystal;
· Evaluating Commission will adopt the following criteria: precision and skill of execution, originality, adherence to the theme of the competition;
· Judgment of the commission will be unquestionable;
· Awards ceremony will take place on June 2nd at 4.30 pm at Palazzo Pretorio together with the delivery of the certificate of participation which will be given to every participants.
· The prize for the 1st place will be a gold plated 24 carat bobbin, for the 2nd place will be a silver-plated bobbin, and a bronze bobbin for the 3rd place;
· The competing works will be exhibited at Palazzo Pretorio during the days of the event;
· At the end of the event, after the awards ceremony, the works will be returned to the hands of their legitimate owners. If they will not be present, within 30 days the works will be returned to the address specified in the registration form, shipment fees paid by our Association;
· Participants will relieve the organizers of any responsibility for any damage to the works.
· Failure to comply with this regulation will be grounds for exclusion;
· For any information or clarification relating to this competition, please contact : +39 3290842045.
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