• The race will take place in the municipality of Sansepolcro on 3-4-5 June 2022, at the premises of Palazzo Pretorio, in Piazza Garibaldi, for the occasion used as a venue for the competition;
    Participation is open to all expert lace makers and lace makers, with the exception of the members of the Association “The lace of the city of Piero della Francesca” of Sansepolcro;
    The impromptu will take place only with the achievement of a minimum number of 5 people and will be open to a maximum of 20 people;
    The goal will be to explore the many facets and potential of lace as well as one’s freedom of expression and creativity, putting one’s manual skills and speed of execution to the test, in relation to the limited time available;
    Registration must be made no later than April 30, 2022
    Participants must register by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM
    Participants must present themselves on the morning of June 3, at the Sansepolcro lace school in Piazza Garibaldi, 2 and will have time from 10 to 13 to complete their registration: they will choose the design to be performed from a shortlist of those previously prepared by the president of the Association, will be registered with a number that will then be affixed to the chosen box, which will be stamped at the moment by the organizers who will be guarantors of transparency and anonymity; they will leave the drawing there which will be returned to them at 15:00, the starting time of the race.
    The time available to performers will be Friday from 15 to 19, Saturday from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 19, Sunday from 9 to 13, for a total of 16 hours;
    The drawings prepared will follow two specific themes linked to the territory: architecture and medicinal herbs; each drawing will have a small explanation that can be of inspiration for the performers;
    Each participant can perform only one work, with the technique, yarns, colors or materials that he prefers; will be able to execute all or part of the design and will be able to rework it freely;
    the accepted execution techniques are: bobbin lace, needle lace, Emilia Ars, macramé, puncetto, modano, filet, Irish lace, Orvieto lace.
    The execution is bound to the designated place, therefore it will not be possible to take the works outside and continue with the construction outside the established time;
    The lacemakers must be equipped at their own care with means and materials according to their processing, thus bringing with them everything necessary to carry out the work based on their processing technique. Chairs and support tables will be made available;
    The artifacts and the cartoons with the design will be collected on June 5 at 1 pm. Afterwards, the commission, composed of a jury of experts, will evaluate the works and decide the first 3 classified.
    At the end of the tender, the completed works will be immediately returned to the owner executors, subject to a documentary photo which will remain in the Association’s archives;
    The evaluation commission will be composed of lace experts, historians, collectors and teachers – THE JURY
    The judgment of the commission will be unquestionable.
    The award ceremony will take place at 4.00 pm together with the delivery of the certificate of participation that will be given to all participants, at Palazzo Pretorio;
    The prize will be € 500.00 for the 1st classified, € 300.00 for the 2nd classified and € 200.00 for the 3rd classified; which will be delivered in cash in a sealed envelope, delivered during the award ceremony by the Councilor for Culture;
    Participants will release the organizers from any responsibility for any damage to the works;
    Failure to comply with these regulations will be grounds for exclusion.

    For any information or clarification relating to this tender, please contact 0575720298 or 3479359864.


Iscrizione inglese


to be admitted to participate in the Needle or Bobbin Lace Extemporaneous Exhibition to be held in Sansepolcro on 3-4-5 JUNE


to have read and understood the regulation of the impromptu and to participate in the tender equipped with own materials and supports to work (pillow)

The Data Controller assumes no obligation to publish / use the data collected for the Competition. The provision of data in the attached registration form and in the work forms is mandatory; failure to indicate them may preclude participation in the competition.

The data collected will not be communicated to third parties, except for the possibility of further use of all the materials sent for their eventual dissemination, including the names of the executors of the materials, in relation to the institutional purposes of the Data Controller.

The data will be stored no later than the competition period and may be deleted. The data controller is the Association "The lace in the city of Piero della Francesca", based in Piazza Garibaldi, 2, in the person of the President. Each interested party enjoys the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, to be exercised against the Data Controller, also by writing to the e-mail address:

For any report, comment or suggestion, you can send an email to: